About This Game Life isn’t getting any easier for our favorite ronin! The journey continues in the land of silk and steel, where fantasy and reality clash and tough choices await you on every page. Get ready to prove why you’re the toughest ronin around.Samurai of Hyuga Book 3 is the mind-shattering 225,000 sequel to your favorite interactive tale by Devon Connell, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.Become the judge, jury and executioner of your peers. Walk the path of the detective, unravel a demonic mystery—or be consumed by it! Face your past and fight for your future as the student becomes the teacher. Discover the line between lover and monster, and be prepared to cross it. Take the law into your own hands as you bring justice with sharpened steel! Unravel a demonic mystery and discover the truths you were never meant to know! Find love (or something like it) as you do battle against true despair!That and so much more await you in the third book of this epic series! 1075eedd30 Title: Samurai of Hyuga Book 3Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Hosted GamesPublisher:Hosted GamesRelease Date: 1 Dec, 2017 Samurai Of Hyuga Book 3 Crack Unlock Code samurai of hyuga book 3 apk. samurai of hyuga book 3 text input. samurai of hyuga book 3. samurai of hyuga book 3 romance. samurai of hyuga book 3 apk. samurai of hyuga book 3 apk download. samurai of hyuga book 3 free apk. samurai of hyuga book 3 release date. samurai of hyuga book 3 unlocked apk. samurai of hyuga book 3 apk download. samurai of hyuga book 3 ending. samurai of hyuga book 3. samurai of hyuga book 3 save ige. samurai of hyuga book 3 free apk. samurai of hyuga book 3 sbenny. samurai of hyuga book 3 kohaku. samurai of hyuga book 3 demo. samurai of hyuga book 3 download. samurai of hyuga book 3 text input. samurai of hyuga book 3 help. samurai of hyuga book 3 release date. samurai of hyuga book 3 unlocked apk. samurai of hyuga book 3 steam. samurai of hyuga book 3 walkthrough. samurai of hyuga book 3 save ige. samurai of hyuga book 3 kohaku. samurai of hyuga book 3 ending. samurai of hyuga book 3 sbenny. samurai of hyuga book 3 download. samurai of hyuga book 3 free download. samurai of hyuga book 3 romance. samurai of hyuga book 3 demo. samurai of hyuga book 3 walkthrough. samurai of hyuga book 3 help. samurai of hyuga book 3 free. samurai of hyuga book 3 free. samurai of hyuga book 3 free download. samurai of hyuga book 3 steam I waited for what seemed like a small eternity for this installment to come out, and man was I so excited when i was working my way back through all the new releases on steam and found that i had some how missed it when this came out! was in my cart immediately and within minutes I was in "That World" again.I was doing well, I almost seemingly too easily managed to steer my way through the trap had been sprung on me at the end of the last installment. Victory was at hand and i was feeling smug, until uhm I wasnt? Something happens and suddenly Im powerless and succumb when I should have been slitting someones throat with my katana. Somehow my spirit animal frees me, but only after chastizing me for not waitting for the right timing (uhm sorry little guy but no one gave me that option, really!) And once again Im challenging the bad guy with my sword. Only somehow I end up fighting more with myself than the bad guy and apparently break something important to who I am in the process.Then the real story of this installment starts. But Im not who I was and no matter the choices I seem to make their the wrong ones, and Im failling at everything I should be suceeding at.... all the way to the end of this book.This is The Empire Strikes Back on steroids. It made me ask Why? It made me angry enough to rage quit at 1am in the morning, and when I decided to finish it after I got home from work today, it made me want to cry for what befell my beloved ronin.Do I recomend this game? Yes, with the caveat that you are prepared to deal with the game not playing fair. Honestly its a good thing my character is a ronin and not a samuria, otherwise I think he would have commited seppuku.. Two things confused me with this game: First was the price, which was higher than the previous two books. Second, was the detective-like elements of the first part of the game. I was genuinely concerned that I may have made a mistake by purchasing this game. That it was deviating from what I've come to expect from Samurai of Hyuga, while also punching the price up. However, I am glad to say that this was a great entry. It is both longer and more complex than the previous two games, while being just as fun to play. It is well worth the higher price.. Okay, I might be in the minority, but I wasn't reading this series to become a detective. I am not sure I will even finish the story and that is a shame because the first 2 books were so good. This doesn't even feel like the same series. I am not a big fan of who dunnit stories, and I certainly wasn't expecting it here.It sad that I can't recommend this book, despite loving the first 2 books of the series, but unless you are looking for or love detective stories stay away, because you are no longer a bad a$$ ronin, but a sad replica of Sherlock Holmes.. I read the previous two chapters of the story and have very much looked forward to the continuation of the series. To say that I'm disappointed would be an understatement. The problems come from a few 'design' decisions and narrative decisions that actually made me quit in disgust nearly 7 hours into the story. First and foremost, is the 'Attunement' stat. This was something present in the previous chapters and although I really did not like it, was understandable a majority of the time. 'Attunement' is something that is supposed to track your decisions and determine if they align with your rigidly defined attributes that were established in the first chapter (a problem in and of itself imo). There are several issues with this system that I will explain below. The worst issue is the fact that your choices are almost never clearly correlated with the attribute they're supposed to be representing. Meaning the choice that just got you 'Attunement Lost' makes NO SENSE whatsoever. So you'll be getting constantly punished for not choosing the 'right' choice because you can't parse out the utterly incomprehensible link that each option has to a certain attribute. It's INFURIATING!The other issue is the fact that the ENTIRE POINT of these CYOA games is give the player the freedom to choose how to respond\/what to do and guide the story how they see fit. This 'Attunement' system instead makes the entire thing feel like a multiple choice test with the most ambiguous solutions you could possibly imagine. It's so counter-intuitive to what these games are supposed to be it's actually tragic. My primary problem with the story in general is that it doesn't even feel like you're playing the same character as the previous chapters. In this one, you are UTTERLY PATHETIC. I think the cardinal sin in CYOA games is making the player feel powerless, and this game does it worse than I have ever experienced. Your character is weak, ineffectual, and most of the time completely powerless to do anything but whine, lose fights over and over in embarrassing fashion, and watch helplessly as his friends are murdered in front of him\/her. I've bought and enjoyed all 3 previous stories from this author but this one was an awful and infuriating waste of my time. I will not be purchasing or following any more titles in this series nor from this writer. It seems harsh, but the last time I was this disgusted by a sequel to something I liked was Dragon Age 2. Unless you want to play a multiple choice quiz where you get humiliated by anyone and everyone for 6+ hours and feel powerless while doing so, SKIP this one.. This book in the series, I have to say, took the most turns than the previous entries. At many moments I was left wondering what the "right" answer would have been in ways I did not find myself asking in either Book 1 or 2, which I was almost always consistent with the character I had created, Rin. In Book 3, I felt every other option I selected decreased my attunement, which I have gauged for a long time now as the metronome of how consistent my character was with her particular personality (and by that nature, her spirit as the Striped Snake). With the conclusion of Book 3, Rin is filled with many regrets she may well, never recover from.The beginning was an interesting shake up from the usual stuff in Hyuga, but not much different than the Shogi matches in Book 2, so I was pleased with it. What I was less pleased with was how the demon met his demise... I was left very, very confused by what was happening in it, and was releaved when it moved on to the main plot of this book. It felt like too much was going on to keep track of. In fact, I found the number of items that needed to be accounted for in this book rose pretty dramatically compared to the others. It took a lot of mental gymnastics to "play optimally" and I often didn't. Rin-"sensei" was marred with failure in this book.Which, while I am unhappy for the sake of our protagonists, is fairly realistic! In life, it will never be always smooth sailing, and you will make many choices which you regret, so I say that regret should definately be a characteristic of this on going story, of our most interesting Ronin of Hyuga.I await patiently for Book 4. This feels like 2 books in one. The 1st part you're trying to solve a mystery. How good you are at solving the mystery will affect your 2 new stat bars, Observation and Deduction. Later these stats will give you hints in an immersive way. The 1st part is just okay and feels alot like Book 2. BUT OMG the 2nd part is amazing and brings out all the feels! You're mostly preparing a group of misfits for a competition, a fight to the death. Pros:-Felt alot longer than 225,000 words. -Group conflicts and secrets make it hard to trust your companions, but also really humanizes them. -Lots of twists and fake outs. -Your decisions come back to haunt you, unintended consequences. -Can get pretty dark. -MANY duels with interesting decisions. No more games, this is life or death for you and your friends. -Hard decisions, found myself 2nd guessing alot. Cons:-Some options just aren't well explained and are the complete opposite of what you intended to do. Overall:-You'll hate some of the choices you make, but this is what makes this story so great. You feel flawed and human. I think it's worth full price, not just for the feels. There's alot of replayability, few CYOA games are this long, and the story continues after this book.
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